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Digital Library

Digital Library

Our Year in the Library 24-25

Our Year in the Library 24-25

Our LibRary Policy

Our LibRary Policy

Debra Leal is our Librarian at RHMS. Our library is open from 8:15-4:00. Students may check out up to 3 books for 3 weeks with the ability to renew. Students and their parents will receive a daily email from the library when items are overdue until returned. Chromebook (CB) loaners are available from the library and need to be returned at the end of the school day. The student, their parent, and the student’s homeroom will be notified by email if CB is not returned. School administration will be contacted if the CB is not returned the next day. CB chargers are not available for loan from the library. Textbooks (not consumables) are available in class sets only, to be checked out by the teacher. Students are welcome to visit the library during class time with a pass from their teacher. Classrooms are encouraged to visit the library and teachers can sign up with Ms. Leal by using the Library Visit appointment calendar.

Clubs In The Library

Clubs In The Library