
The Arboreal Salamander is usually from 3 to 6 inches long. The females lay eggs and sometimes stay with them until they hatch. They live in wet places, like under rotting wood or old trees. Because oak forests are disappearing, they may be endangered soon. They eat worms, snails, and other small bugs.

The skunk is a mammal. There is at least one family of them on our campus, and sometimes you can smell them! Skunks spray from a special gland to scare away and hurt predators or anyone they think will hurt them. They have three to four babies at a time, and because of short legs, they sort of look like they are waddling when they walk. They eat snails, worms, and insects, but also eat frogs, snakes, small birds, nuts, and berries - they change their diet when the season changes. Around humans, they look for garbage. They have powerful paws and dig deep burrows in the dirt, but have really bad vision. When they are getting ready to spray their "stink", they stomp their feet!

The native students of Rolling Hills Middle School are normally around the ages of 10 to 14. There are males and females and they wear black, white, grey, and blue pants. They seem to especially enjoy eating red-hot cheetos, chocolate muffins, and Chinese-style food. They are often found poking at their communications devices called phones, sending short and silly messages to each other. Some of them relax to read under the trees.

The Rolling Hills teachers can be difficult to spot! (especially when they use camouflage) They require coffee or tea to survive, and disappear at lunchtime to a secret spot. They hand out homework to students, which is not usually appreciated. There are both male and female teachers on our campus of a variety of ages.